Another day, another Ezra Miller story dominates the Hollywood news sites. Finally, the Warner Bros board meets to discuss the fate of their ailing DC tentpole movie The Flash. The Studio Exec has the inside scoop on what happened behind closed boardroom doors.
Warner Bros Board meets to discuss the flash
At an undisclosed location in Griffith Park, suspiciously close to the Los Angeles Zoo, the Warner Bros board meets to discuss the fate of The Flash. Especially the best bananas that money could buy were shipped. And with some of the world’s most prominent designers of tire swings and tricycles on hold in the Hollywood studio, rumors were circulating about an emergency meeting in the town of Tinsel.
Warner Bros stops hanging out
Some of the studio’s most powerful Simians were there. CEO and King Of The Swingers, King Louie chaired the meeting. CFO and disturbing blonde Dr. Zaius from the original Planet Of The Apes spoke at length about risk aversion, tax write-offs and strategies to reduce net losses. His strategies didn’t seem too popular with the majority of the board, who terrified him.
Right onto Clyde
Clyde of Every Which Way But Loose proposed a motion to blow raspberries and give everyone the finger while they ate Ma’s Oreo cookies. And King Kong wanted the entire operation to be moved to the Empire State Building in Manhattan for some reason.
My God it’s full of motherfuckers
At one point, the board almost came to a decision about what the hell they’re going to do about The Flash and Ezra Miller’s situation in particular. Unfortunately, before voting could take place, King Louie stole a banana from 2001: A Space Odyssey’s Moonwatcher. Stanley Kubrick’s missing sci-fi star has beaten the beloved Jungle Book orangutan with a bone. The board then agreed to meet again at another time, when they’re all done picking and larvae off each other’s backs.