Lost Bullet 2 is a French action thriller film about Lino (Alban Lenoir) and Julia (Stéfi Celma) who form the new leading duo of the brigade after the death of Charras. Determined to find his brother’s and mentor’s killers, Lino won’t let anyone get in the way. Also known as Lost Bullet 2: Back for more
Directed by Guillaume Pierret ( Lost Bullet ) from a screenplay co-written with Alban Lenoir.
The Inoxy Films-Nolita TV-Versus Production film stars Alban Lenoir, Diego Martín, Pascale Arbillot and Stéfi Celma.
Let Go:
Lost Bullet 2 will be available for worldwide streaming via Netflix on November 10, 2022.
Original title:
Balle Perdue 2
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